Rating Notes:

The Thrill of the Fight is a boxing game designed specifically for VR. Enter a virtual gym and battle unique challengers with their own boxing styles and techniques. Use timing and skill to land the knockout blow. Evade punches, land jabs, and block blows to become the king of the ring.

The Thrill of the Fight is best described as a “semi-sim” with some simplified or unrealistic mechanics for the sake of fun and straightforward game play or to accommodate the limits of current VR technology. Mechanics are realistic where possible but the game is not guaranteed to be a fully accurate recreation of real boxing.

Rating Details:

Status: Formal Rating: This game was tested by measuring oxygen consumption with a metabolic cart.
Peak Observed Sustained MET: 14.59 METs
Average Observed METs: 9.28 METs
Est. calories expenditure per min.: We observed an energy expenditure of 9.74 kcals to 15.32 kcals per minute during our tests.
This estimate is based on the assumption that the subject weighs 60kg.
Please see the table below for an estimate of calorie expenditure for your weight.



Read About Our Ratings: http://vrhealth.institute/ratings

Calorie Table: