Rating Notes:

Rater collected data in story mode on medium difficulty.  Game required rater to move arms around to block and deflect attacks, as well reaching out and grabbing objects.

Quick Facts:

Status: Metabolic Rating: This game was tested by measuring oxygen
consumption with a metabolic cart on March 15, 2019.
Peak Observed Sustained MET:  2.01 METs
Average Observed METs:  1.7 METs
Est. calories expenditure per min.: We observed an energy expenditure of 1.79 kcals to 2.11 kcals per minute
during our tests. This estimate is based on the assumption that the subject
weighs 60kg. Please see the table below for an estimate of calorie
expenditure for your weight.
Link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/530350/Smashbox_Arena/

Calorie Table: