Rating Notes:

Welcome to Rec Room, the virtual reality social club where you play active games with friends from all around the world. Customize your appearance, then party up to play multiplayer games like Paintball, 3D Charades, and even co-op adventures! Or just hang out in The Lounge (free membership required).

Rating Details:

Status: Formal Rating: This game was tested by measuring oxygen consumption with a metabolic cart.
Peak Observed Sustained MET: 3.71 METs
Average Observed METs: 3.75 METs
Est. calories expenditure per min.: We observed an energy expenditure of 3.94 kcals to 3.9 kcals per minute during our tests.
This estimate is based on the assumption that the subject weighs 60kg.
Please see the table below for an estimate of calorie expenditure for your weight.
Link: https://www.oculus.com/experiences/quest/2173678582678296


Read About Our Ratings: http://vrhealth.institute/ratings

Calorie Table: